6 Things Must Have To Be A Pro Blogger

Hello friends, After reading or gain some knowledge about SEO; today i am come-out with a new post  on the topic "Blogging & SEO". This is one of the Most Important post in our article. This is not only help you to going a long path from Newbie to Professional Blogger but also keep a Strong place in Professional Blogger List. This things are "Must have" if you want to be a Professional blogger. This also helps you in Approval of Google Adsence & Other Advertise Network. Now let's Start:

1. Good Look of Your Website:
You know that a Good design in this platform plays an important role. A good design Theme/Template(in blogger) can create a separate place for you in the mind of visitors and they want to visit your blog daily. A SEO optimized but Bad colored design or bad Look template can reduce the Search Bot crawl activity, so that you can't gain Visitors/ Traffic. So Choose a Good Look template which is suitable for your Niche(Subject) with Responsive design, SEO Optimized and More.. READ HERE

2. All The Necessary Pages:
You visits so many pages or You may visit minimum two or three blog in a day; Do you notice there is Some pages in Header part or Footer part of the blog like Sitemap, Privacy Policy, About me etc.? Yes, all the Pro bloggers create this pages for better perform of blog.
These pages are necessary to give a perfect shape about your blog to the readers, Search engines and also helps to increase the Google Page rank. Here is the Pages you must have:
Must Have:
>About us : To show/inform the visitors about your blog and Its Author.
>Privacy Policy : Its used to show what your blog Privacy towards the visitors. Its mainly used to get Adsense approval. Its the "Must Have" page if you want to necessary to get Adsense approval.
>Contact us : It is mostly used to get customer support or notify about something in Privately.
>Sitemap : It is one of the most important page; it plays a important role in SEO,Mostly used to show the visitors about your all Posts, show all post to the Search Engine Bots, also helps to increase the Blog’s Rank.
Not Too Necessary:
>Write For Us/Submit Guest Posts : To attract guest poster to your blog to submit their posts. Its help to increase the Back links and increase Google rank.
>Sponsored By/Powered By : To show whom You/They are powered or sponsored By.You can put their any name who you want to be.
NOTE: Never ignore the “Must Have” pages its help you in so many ways.

3. Responsive Look & SEO Optimised:
All a blogger start to blog, first aim is to be Top of the Search engines so that blog can acquires lots of traffic . If you want this happen then SEO is Must for You. A Good SEO makes your posts appear at the top of the search engines and this will divert a lot of traffic to your blog, for this you have to optimised you blog SEO friendly. So, You can cheak all our SEO Posts HERE.

4. Social Networking:
All  blogger have must this. Having social pages in Social Network not making you blog popular but also drive a lots of traffic to your blog and Helps to increase you Alexa rank and Google Page rank. But you have to share your all post in regular basis, so that visitors can easily follow your blog on social accounts.

5. Unique Content:
This is the Most Imp. factor of this Post.  If you have copy content form other blog and published in your blog it not only Create a bad impression in the Mind of Visitors but also Decrease in traffic because Search Engine Bots dont like Copied Contents.

6. Use of Multimedia:
When you write any post to be published, not only you have to write unique contant but also you have to put some Good Image there or Video if need. By the use of Multimedia you posts looks Great and help to attract the Visitors. But beawere of copywrite images; dont use any copywrite images in you blog, this can be decrease you SEO.

Now its time to use this tips to increase the Traffic towords your blog. Keep optimisation your blog and engage yourself with this work. After just wait and saw the Results.

Hope this Article helped you on the "Must Have" things for your Blog. Fell free to Share, Comment and SUBSCRIBE for more.

Add All In One Super SEO Meta Tag to Blogger

Hello friends, Do you all saw the resent post about "All Basic About SEO"? Yahh.. After know the basic about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Today i will show you how to put Meta Tags in the blog. You know now-a-days so many people starting free blogging with Blogger. All the new bloggers want to make money through blogging but if your blog is not Basic SEO optimised then how you do it? For this purpose you need to make your blogger Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimized) friendly with All In One META TAG in blogger.

->What is Meta Tag ?
Meta Tag is generally are used by Search engines to know more about your blog. In simple words Meta Tags help you and your blog’s content (like posts, pages, images) & help the SEarch Engines to Crowl and Index your blog correctly. There is some tags like:
1. Meta Description- The description of your blog.
2. Meta Keywords- All keywords related to your blog.
3. Meta Author- The author’s name.
4. Meta Language: Your Language used to Write.

->How to add Meta tags to your blog(blogspot):
1. Login to your Blogger Blog.
2. Then go to your Dashboard> Template> Edit HTML.
3. Now Click CTRL+F on your keyboard to use the Find the Tag.
4. Find the <head> tag using CTRL+F.
5. Paste the following code after the <head> tag.
<meta name="Description" CONTENT="YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION" />
<meta name="keywords" content="YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS"/>
<meta name="language" content="English"/> 
<meta name="geo.placename" content="India" />
<meta name="copyright" content="&#169; "YOUR NAME"/> 
<link href="GOOGLE+ ID" rel="author"/>
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
<meta name="distribution" content="Global"/>
<meta content='blogger' name='generator'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
Just Copy and Paste shown in the Image:
Replace With:-
YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION : Write your blog description.
YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS : Write the keywords of your blog.
YOUR NAME : Write the Author’s name.
GOOGLE+ ID : Write your Google+ id.
GEO PLACEMENT : Your Country Name.

Here the Screenshot:

Note: In Custom Tamplates you may find the only first three Tags, then just add rest of all coads after it. :)

Now Done!!

Now Cheers!!! Your Blogger blog is Basically Optimized. Now its time to Provide Next step of SEO Training. You can Get HERE

Hope this Article helped you on the Basic knowledge of Meta Tags. Fell free to Share, Comment and SUBSCRIBE for more.

All About SEO (Basic Tips For Traffic and Make Money)

Hello friends, After know about 404 Error Pages now its time to know about SEO. Yes, SEO! Now in fother i m just telling you the Basic about SEO. How you utilize for Traffic, Earn money and not only increasing your Alexa Rank but also Google Rank.

->What Is SEO ? 
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization means how you are going to optimize your website in favor of search engines. Now a days everyone starts blogging and everyone wants to get its blog in the Top. So, In order to Get your Blog in the Top of the Search Engines and get more Traffic, you have to LEARN something & the SOMETHING known as Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

->What Is SEO For Blogger ?
Blogger SEO means the way How you tell the World about you Blog/Site. Its the way to extend your blog to World Wide Web i.e The Search Engines like Google, Bing, AOL, Baidu etc. Its a simple method to get a huge Traffic towards your Blog. Submitting your Sitemap to Webmaster Tools, Onpage SEO, Offpage SEo just a part of Blooger SEO. In simple word You can't Blog without doing SEO in Blogger.

Check Our All SEO Articles

->Why SEO is Important ?
SEO helps Search Engines to Index your blog which is contents blog Sitemap, posts, also images. Due to this your blog’s visibility increases and your blog appears in Search Engine Results. If you want to Top of the all Search Engines then you have to Score high in Search Results which is occurs by the help of SEO. You also get Huge Traffic which means More Visitos>More Pageview>More Comments>Moe Money.

->How To Make Your Blog SEO Friendly ?
Its Pretty simple to make your blog SEO friendly. Just Cheack out. Did your Blog responsive, Responsive means it cant look awesome in anything (like PC, Tablet,Mobiles)? More responsive means more SEO friendly> more search results and more visitors then More Money. Now a days You can find moe Responsive Templares for Blogger. After this You have to give More & Moe Importance to the OnpageSEO & Offpage SEO.

->What Is OnPage SEO ?
OnPage SEO means to Customizing & Optimizing your blog for  SEO. Its considered as adding codes (like Meta Tags, Scripts) to your Blogger Template & Removing the Useless codes from your blog(Blogger Template) to make you Blog SEO friendly. Cheack all the SEO tips in Our Sitemap.

->What is OffPage SEO ?
OffPage SEO means doing Blogger SEO without Edit in Template or  HTML coads. In simple words OffPage SEO means building your blog backlinks, Increasing the sharing on Social Network sites (like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Reddit, Stumnble Upon etc.) , Indexing your Blog or Submit your Sitemap on Google, Ask, Bing other search engines.

Its very Important to Do SEO. Without SEO means A Men with No EYES. Yes! Work for Inceasing SEO means Moe Traffic, More Visitors, More Page View, More Comments, Increase in Page Rank Then finally A huge Money.

Hope this Article helped you on how to transform to Newbie to Pro blogger. Fell free to Share, Comment and SUBSCRIBE for more.

All About 404 Error Pages (Tips For SEO And Make Money)

Hello friends, Today when i just visit Google Webmaster Tools i just saw that there is a 404 Error in my Blog. So, today subject/Article based on 404 Error Pages.

What is  404 Error Pages?
404 Error is a error shown in the web server when something ie. image,video or page is missing or does exist or removed by the user what ever you say.

Causes Of Showing 404 Error Page?
We know that Each resource on your website (ie. image,video and posts) have unique URL. The address of the URL should be correct otherwise 404 error will be shown. There are so many causes but main are:
1. Visitor typing wrong URL.
2. You have moved your resource to new location.
3. Broken links on your website.
4. You might have linked to a page  which was moved to different location.

How to find 404 Errors on your Blog?
There are many ways to find 404 Error pages on your blog. All 404 Error pages information are present Google webmaster tools and Bing webmaster tools. Both tools list all of your 404 Error pages they found while crawling and indexing your blog.

How To Find 404 Error Pages Using Google Webmaster Tools:
1. Login to your Google webmaster account.
2. Go to Health > Crawl Errors options.
3. You can see all 404 error page URL listed under Not Found.
4. Now correct the issue as soon as possible.

How To Find 404 Error Pages Using Bing webmasters:
1. Log into your Bing webmaster account.
2. Go to Reports and Data > Crawl Information.
3. You can see all 404 error page URL listed under Not Found.
4. Now correct the issue as soon as possible.

Why 404 Error Pages Not Good For Your Blog?
1. First of all 404 pages is broken links so Broken links on your blog decrease crawl-ability.
Note: Decrease crawl-ability means low number of pages on search engine which in turn decreases traffic.
2. Search Engine Bots like (Google Bots, Bing Bots) don't like broken links.
3. From SEO point of view broken links are very bad for your Blog.
4. Left a bad Impression of your blog. Like someone clicks a link on your site and it's landed on 404 error page then a negative impression is created by the visitors.

How To Fix 404 Error Pages?
1. After cheacking by Google and Bing Webmaster Tools you should remove all the broken links on your blog.
2. If you have moved your page from one location to different location then use  redirect from old page to new page.
3. Remove reference to pages not present on your site from sitemaps and other places on your website.

What Google and Bing Guidelines for 404 Error Pages: 
Google & Bing both have come up with 404 page guidelines. Like
1. Keep the page lightweight.
2. Do not use too advertising on pages.

What should be added on 404 error page?
First you can not avoid 404 pages. So you need to create 404 pages like:
1. Regain your visitors.
2. The page should be light for Load fast.
3. Give visitors some information to keep them interested like Links(URL).

Customizing your 404 page:
If Visitors hitting 404 Error pages they should be retained.So you provide them content similar to what they were looking for and arrived on your blog. By Presenting similar content and matching URL to URL they entered and arrived on your blog and its help you to gain some Traffic. There is a Article about this in Google, Find HERE.

So you should cheack the Webmaster Tools for Error Pages and correct the issue as soon as possible. Its help you to gain some traffic, and Name of your blog also.

Hope this Article helped you on how to transform to Newbie to Pro blogger. Fell free to Share, Comment and SUBSCRIBE for more.

How To Add New Style Facebook Comment Box in Blogger Blogs

We know that Facebook is a world no.1 social site. You can increase your site rank by using facebook like widget and also it's help you to increasing your Facebook fan page likes. Facebook has recently released many plugins for websites and blogs.
Now Facebook developer's released "Facebook Comment Box" to creating comment system on your blogger  blog.

Why Add Facebook Comment Box?
With Facebook comments box, Your bloggers user able to comment on your blog posts and those post comment automatically share on their Facebook comment wall.

How To Add?

1. Login of your Blogger Blog.
2. Go to Template Section > Edit HTML.
3.  Press Ctrl+F. Now search following code..
4. Now copy following code and paste below of <data:post.body/>

<div id='fb-root'/>
    <script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1'/>
     <fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' num_posts='5' width='500'/>


NOTE: Replace 500 with your desired width box.
             Replace 7 how much post you want to display.
5. Click on Save template.

Done. Now enjoy this Facebook widget & blogger user able to comment on your favorite blog posts.

Hope this Article helped you on how to transform to Newbie to Pro blogger. Fell free to Share, Comment and SUBSCRIBE for more.

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